Looking to the Future

The oldest part of the cemetery dates back to 1775. It abuts Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church. When the Greenwich Cemetery Association was incorporated in 1906, the cemetery became totally separated from the church. Since that time, it has been a non-denominational cemetery where all are welcome. It is managed with pride and personal care by a Board of Trustees which has a strong commitment to honor, preserve and enhance the historic character of the cemetery, while also incorporating new cemetery developments.

The cemetery has beautiful, historic characteristics of both the early colonial church graveyard and the 19th century rural cemetery.   Its growth northward through the 20th and into the 21st century is an historical cross-section of gradually changing styles of burial layout and monumentation. This cemetery truly reflects the history of American burials.

Because of its lovely historic setting, this cemetery has become a preferred resting place that attracts people from near and far. In the 1990’s, the Board of Trustees purchased 28 adjoining acres. A 100 Year Master Plan has been developed which allows adequate burial inventory not only for the present population, but also for future generations. The proposed columbarium for cremation ashes and a beautifully landscaped fountain area have been completed. Plans for the future include a chapel and mausoleum.
